Thursday, July 28, 2016

New Website Coming Soon!

Red Eyed And Lifted is coming out with a NEW WEBSITE! For those who have been following us since day 1 you may be thinking; “Again!”, and yes, again… Our first site was a sample landing page that we created very quickly and offered little to no engaging qualities. Not to mention it looked like rubbish. Currently our site is functional and engaging but has some limitations with admin options, so this new site we’re working on will provide a better user experience and allow us to assist you much better. 

We are looking forward to rolling out the new site and hearing what you think. It has been decided that we will also be hosting two separate websites. Currently and point to the same location. After this new site has been completed however we will be splitting these up to show our current layout or the new one. 

Adzzup Inc has been incredibly helpful with our company’s online presence and we are eternally grateful. Adzzup Inc is a full service marketing firm that helps small to medium sized businesses get their business to rank locally in the major search engines. We have a very good relationship with this company and in order to show our appreciation we will continue to assist in developing their e-commerce platform but we are not going to be one-dimensional in our efforts to do so. Adzzup has also provided us aid in our new skin and layout. 

Many of the features and products found on the site currently will carry over along with several new features and options. Stay tuned! Hats are also still on their way* After weeks of planning we are working with Puffin Screen Printing to make sure these snapbacks are the best that they can be. Our goal is to roll out the site and hats around the same time and look forward to having a productive August. Thanks for reading and we hope you continue to keep up with the latest news and announcements from R.E.A.L. Clothing.

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